Monday, August 18, 2008

random ramblings

As I am typing this the blinds are blowing in my face. (on the 8th floor) I couldn't come up with any just one topic for this post so I will just be rambling about a few different things.

College Football- unless there is an IU game on we wont be discussing college football.

The State of IU Basketball- while I love my hoosiers I can not see them winning more than 10 games this season, with just about everybody and their brothers leaving the team. Hopefully only fans, and no more players will be throwing flower pots at Tom Crean.

Poker- listening to Big Poker Sunday right now on, if you haven't checked out the site do so immediately, it is great, a whole lot of content. And for all of you parents out there poker is a skill game it is not gambling.

Olympics- This morning at 8 a.m. eastern the United States pretty muched doubled up on the German team. Kris Kaman is a joke, you don't turn your back on your country to play for another team, just because you aren't good enough to play for the USA, you don't go to another country, you practice, get better, and play on team USA in 4 years. Also Dirk Dowitski's (spelling?) career is just about done in my eyes. expect a lot of losses for the mavericks this year.

As for the NBA players leaving for more money over seas, that is the biggest cop out I have ever seen, in my opinion David Stern needs to ban these players from coming back into the NBA. if you have a problem making millions over here and playing against the best competition, then you aren't welcome back. Of course that will never happen, but if it did Dictator David Stern would deserve a pat on the back.

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